This woman in her late 30's had previous breast augmentation mammoplasty with overfilled saline implants. She reported a 34 DD cup breast size after that augmentation. The patient complained of gradual breast asymmetry over a 10 year period. She desired increased breast size and upper pole fullness. After reviewing her options, the patient chose to switch her saline implants to larger silicone gel implants. To achieve the patient's goals, the 545 cc overfilled saline implants were removed and replaced with 700 cc round Mentor MemoryGel Siltex silicone gel-filled implants via an inframammary incision. The subpectoral implant pocket was maintained. Capsule revisions were also performed, adjusting the left inframammary fold to address asymmetry. The patient was thrilled with her breast enlargement and improved breast symmetry. Her postoperative breast size was a DDD/E cup.